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SATYA YUGA: towards a Borderless Earth

SATYA YUGA: towards a Borderless Earth

Renown sages, visionaries, Mystics and philosophers, introduced to the Western world the Eastern traditions, teachings, perceptions and beliefs. In this process of transmitting and translating East to the West, many Eastern concepts were intentionally distorted, or altered and took on perspectives in the West not necessarily explicitly held in the East.

One of these unfortunate distortions happened with Yoga. It was erroneously interpreted in the West as a mainstream fitness practice. That’s why a whole section is devoted in the beginning of my book “YOGA UNVEILED: from Ancient Greek to Eastern Spirituality” to clarify this subject. Hence, Yoga, as it’s mentioned in the pages of this book is neither a physical workout, nor a religious practice. It’s a spiritual Light path, the path of “Living Ethics”, aiming to the creation of a new type of humanity, and of a new world! A New World requires and presupposes a New type of humanity.
What kind of features distinguish the New Humanity and differentiate it from the previous one? Apparently not external, such as horns or feathers, but inner ones, namely a different consciousness.
The different consciousness of the New Humanity will be first and foremost extremely expanded, without arbitrary borders! Not only on a national but on an international level.

This New Humanity, breaking the barrier among the arbitrary international frontiers will thus break the barrier of time. Realising its infinite and eternal essence, it will obviously put an end to the spectrum of death! Such an expansion of awareness, creates more balance, wisdom, and harmony. It is accompanied by an expansion not only in mental skills, and mental capacities but additionally by an openness and expansion of the heart! Only the heart can create the sense of unity, and can inspire the kindest feelings
and the highest ideals!

The New Era, Satya Yuga, is the Era of the Heart! One is the instrument, one is the tool, one is the method: Heart!

The opening of the heart is the focus of our times. That’s why all the Light Yoga Teachings focus on the opening, the purification and the refinement of the Heart Centre.

The power of the heart can overcome barriers and feel the beauty of the distant worlds. “Only the bond with the Hierarchy of Light can kindle inextinguishable fires.” Through the bond with a Light Teacher human beings can purify, strengthen and refine the center of the heart. Through the Teacher’s fiery ray, wisdom, unconditional love, pure heart and guidance to the Light, they can manifest more and more Light on the physical plane and open wide their heart. Becoming thus recipients of Light and Love, they will, in turn, share this Love, through service, to humanity!
The opponents of Light do not have access to the higher concepts of Fire and to the Center of the Heart. Because they can’t have access to a Light Teacher. Only pure beings can have access to these Higher Beings. “One cannot approach the fiery domain without the flame of the heart. Initiation by fire is only for the pure of heart”, is revealed in the book “Heart”.
“The opponents of Light gather conscious and unconscious beings in dark centers, and using conjurations, grimoires, and other things that the dark forces have accumulated, are opposing the forces of Light…Formulas and conjurations all require a mechanical process as preparation, and thus remain within the confines of the lower teachings. But now when the forces of darkness are up in arms, the forces of the heart are opposing them“. So the opposition of the heart to all the dark forces will be a sign of victory. I am confirming the power of the heart, and you know for yourself how near at hand and powerful this weapon of light is.” affirms the Teacher of Agni Yoga. Everyone has a heart, everyone has a potential energy contained within that heart!
The ancient sacred texts, like Upanishads or Purana, mention that in the New Era, in Satya Yuga, there will be no borders, not only across the planet but among the planets as well: Borderless Earth! It’s a message of Unity and Oneness I’m carrying!
In “Savitri”, his epic poem, the Indian philosopher Aurobindo intuitively described a new man, a “Superhuman”, and a “New Humanity”, which inevitably will manifest a New Era of Truth, Wisdom, Beauty and Harmony, “Satya Yuga”!
As a Butterfly is born from a Caterpilar, “Homo Universalis” will erect from Homo Sapiens. “Homo Universalis” is a Citizen of the World, a Superhuman, deserving to live in more harmonious, ethereal, refined, subtle and infinite planes!

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